Prepublicaciones de Evelia Rosa García Barroso
- E.R. García Barroso-M.E. Hernandes- M.F. Hernández Iglesias. The topology of the generic polar curve and the Zariski invariant for branches of genus one. arXiv:2411.10853.
- E.R. García Barroso-P. Popescu-Pampu. A Eudoxian study of discriminant curves associated to normal surface singularities. arXiv:2410.21250.
- E.R. García Barroso-J. Gwoździewicz- M. Masternak. On the equisingularity class of the general higher order polars of plane branches. arXiv:2410.11732.
- A. Fernández-Pérez-E.R. García Barroso-N.E. Saravia-Molina, A Dimca-Greuel type inequality for foliations. arXiv:2403.18654.
- A. Fernández-Pérez-E.R. García Barroso-N.E. Saravia-Molina, On Milnor and Tjurina numbers of foliations. arXiv:2112.14519.
- E.R. García Barroso-A. Płoski, An approach to plane algebroid branches. arXiv:1208.0913.
- E.R. García Barroso-A. Płoski, On the contact exponent of plane curve
singularities. IMUJ 2003/15.